22:48 Endi Feng 1 Comments

So, skincare enthusiasts..  

There are HadaLabo products which locally produced by Rohto Indonesia! [Googling: HadaLabo if you need references].


I had post about THE most famous HadaLabo Gokujyun moisturising lotion that I got from Thailand, HERE.

My Gokujyun series collection

I got the Gokujyun series which consists of Mositurising Milk, Facial Wash, Night Cream, and Moisturising Lotion..
  •  Moisturising Milk :  milky, sticky, and richly moisturizing.  I usually use it when I'm lazy to apply my day cream. (around Rp 30,000.- / 3 USD)
  •  Facial Wash :  milky, silky, and leave the skin smooth.  My face skin type is normal oily, and I dislike the "smooth" after-taste. (around Rp 15,000.- / less than 2 USD)
  •  Night Cream :  gel-ish cream, sticky, and glide smoothly.  Tremendously moisturizing, if your face is very dry, and scream HELP, use this every night to revive & moisture your face and neck. (around Rp 50,000.- / 5 USD)
  • Moisturising Lotion :  watery texture, leave the skin supple and smooth.  The local one is less slimy than the one that I got from Thai. I can't see there's any other difference of those two. (around Rp 30,000.- / 3 USD)
I bought those items by the help from my Facebook friend, Dewidya Naufal..  Thank you Dewi for the help.. OH! And the little present too. *hugs n smooches*

What I like:
  1. Very moisturizing
  2. Cheap
  3. pH balanced, and  free of fragrances, mineral oils, alcohol, & colorant

What I dislike:
  1. It over moisture my oily combination facial skin when I tried to layer 'em up, and ended up causing BREAK OUTS. *nightmares*
  2. It's kinda hard to find those shops which sell these items with low price. In chain-drugstores, the price is quite ridiculous if I have to compare it with the price that I got from Dewi. Well, the difference is not very vary, but still.. We will go to those who gets the cheaper(cheapest), right?

I have tried this series for over 40 days.  I hope my report help you out to choose this series as your skincare.  If you're really curious, give it a go since it won't cost you a lot.

Alright, see you on the next post..



Purple-ish FOTD

11:36 Endi Feng 3 Comments

Hai, makeup junkies..

It's my first time to blog from my phone. *excited*

So, I wanna show you a quick makeup that I did on my face to kill time. This FOTD(Face Of The Day) is supposed to show you the love that I have towards Make Up For Ever Rouge Artist Intense number 36 in Satin Fuchsia.

Let's go..

 All of this pictures were taken by my phone, with low light condition, and flash on. Crop using photoscape app on my netbook, and added vignetting filters.  No editing/retouch.  Can't do it. Bzzz  -___-

Anyway, look at the face. I think the foundation white-cast with flash light on.  But actually look nice on my skin on mirror..  Sorry for the under eye, forgot to put on any concealer.

-  Sari Ayu cream foundie in the darkest shade for contouring cheek bones
-  Revlon cream makeup Age Defying foundation
-  Sari Ayu compact powder in Kuning Langsat
-  Bobbi Brown bronzing powder to contour jawlines

-  Illamasqua powder blush in Hussy

-  Au Beau eye makeup base
-  MUFE aqua shadow number 24E (all over the lid)
-  Wet n Wild eyeshadow palette in Petal Pulsher
-  Cusson's baby moisturizer to foil, and mix the eyeshadow to be the eyeliner
-  NYX jumbo pencil in Black Bean for the tight lining
-  Revlon eye custom mascara
-  Wardah waterproof pencil in white
-  falshies Oris n Bilqis (I forgot the numbers)

-  Of course the MUFE Rouge Artist Intense number 36 in Satin Fuchsia.

Alright. That's it for now..  I know it's a mess. It's been a long time I did makeup on my face.. Better get some practice next time. LOL



LUX Magical Spell

16:08 Endi Feng 0 Comments

Hi, makeup junkies..  
Holla.. On this post I am NOT telling you story about makeup.  Better yet, imma tell you about my purple-esque evening with LUX Indonesia, in  my mother-lingo.  >_<

Jumat minggu lalu, tanggal 6 Juli,  gw diundang oleh LUX Indonesia, buat hadir ke perkenalan sabun "Magical Spell with Fine Fragrance".  Acara perkenalan ini kayanya emang udah diprogram ke dalam kampanye prodak ini, soalnya acara itu khusus diperuntukkan bagi para beauty bloggers.

Sebenernya, bukan kampanye prodak-nya yang bikin gw tertarik dengan event ini. Tapi, PARFUME WORKSHOP-nya. *ngekek*   Etapi, jangan salah..  Justru dengan parfume workshop ini lah, gw jadi lebih tertarik dengan prodak "Magical Spell with Fine Fragrance".

Sesampai venue, Alex's Pizze e Pasta di EPIWALK, gw dan Cilla disambut Fikri (AE-nya LUX dari Pulse Comm).  Pas masuk, langsung gw jatoh cinta sama dinding venue yang penuh dengan pigura foto dan lukisan.  SO CLASSIC!  LOOOVE!
Dekorasi venue juga penuh dengan sentuhan UNGU, dan gw tidak punya baju apapun yang berwarna ungu, jadi waktu itu kaga penuhi permintaan 'dresscode' mereka.. huhuhu :"<

Dinding berpigura
Dekorasi di meja gw waktu itu

Acara dimulai dengan sambutan kocak MC(sumpah, gak sengaja, tapi gw LUPA nama si MC hahahaha!  BUT she is hilarious!).  Selanjutnya, Afirani Karina (Senior Brand Manager Lux), mulai memperkenalkan sabun LUX Magical Spell with Fine Fragrance.  Jadi, sabun LUX yang biasa kita jumpai di supermarket/mini market/convenient store, ternyata sabun yang terkenal di dunia lho!  GW BARU TAHU...  Gw kira selama ini, sabun LUX cuma edar di Indonesia saja. OMG! Kemana aja guwehhhh?  Baca ceritanya deh [click sini].

Afriani Karina juga mengatakan: “Visi dari Lux kedepannya adalah menawarkan Fine Fragrance Skin Treatment dalam tiap rangkaiannya. Wewangian ini akan mampu membangkitkan rasa percaya diri dari tiap wanita dan membuatnya tampil memukau.”  

HMM~ Ada kata "wanita". Kayanya, wewangian bisa membangkitkan sebuah hasrat(be it erotic, sensual, million-dollar feeling, confidence, etc) tanpa memandang gender deh..
Iya ga?  HIT ME ON MY FB PAGE IF YOU DISAGREE!  Hahaha *maksa*

Selanjutnya, PARFUME WORKSHOP!!  Teti Meltiany (Perwakilian Givaudan. Givaudan: perfume house yang menciptakan wangi Magical Spell dengan kolaborasi seorang nose terkenal, Ann Gottlieb).  
“Kami menciptakan wewangian khas untuk Lux Magical Spell yang tidak hanya mampu membersihkan kulit, namun juga meninggalkan aroma misterius yang tahan lama.", kata Teti Meltiany.  TRUE THAT!  Gw SUKA banget sama wangi sabun LUX Magical Spell.

Pas parfume workshop, para blogger disodorin berbagai macam bau TOP NOTE,  MIDDLE NOTE,  dan BASE NOTE..  Mulai dari wangi yang manis dan enak dicium, sampai yang baunya nyengat dan memabukkan.. *err*  
  • Top note,  wangi yang langsung kecium sama indra pembau kita saat perfume disemprot.
  • Middle note,  wangi-wangian yang menyenangkan untuk dicium macam wangi daun, bunga, buah-buahan..  
  • Base note,  wangi yang akan kita cium terus di body kita, bahkan setelah berjam-jam tercampur dengan keringat dan bau badan alami kita (kayu, musk, binatang).. 
TRUS, LUX Magical Spell wanginya apa aja?
  1. Top note:  Lux memakai Juniper Oil, dipadu dengan kelembutan bunga-bungaan eksotis dan misterius (black orchid, jasmine, dan violet).
  2. Middle note:  Untuk menambah kekuatan dari kelembutan yang dimiliki top note, dipilih lah brown sugar dan vanilla.
  3. Base notesandalwood, dan velvet musk dipilih untuk menutup wangi-wangian yang elegan dan memukau.
The best part is, sabun LUX Magical Spell ini diklaim pihak LUX mampu menempel di kulit dengan lembut, dan bertahan bahkan hingga berjam-jam setelah mandi!  WOW~
Gue udah coba.  Suka banget sama wanginya, walopun wanginya di gue ga begitu tahan lama. Mungkin wanginya cepet ilang di kulit badak gue kali yeee.. >_<

The perky, and hilarious MC
Afirani Karina (Senior Brand Manager Lux) - Teti Meltiany (Perwakilian Givaudan) - dan Rika Sandi (Assisten Brand Manager Lux)
Top note, Middle note, Base note
OH!  Tidak lupa kita ditraktir makan doong... hihi~  What make food taste so delicious?  When it's free and taste good! LOL   Setelah itu, gw balik bareng Rini, dengan masing2 di tangan kita ada goodie bag dari LUX Indonesia.  

Main Course
Me and Rini
The goodies
Group Photo
  • SIAPA SIH si Ann Gottlieb itu?  Klik sini nih buat cari tahu.. 
  • Masih penasaran, se-HEITS itu kah Ann Gottlieb sampe LUX percaya sama dia?  Cek client list dia dong, boo.. KLIK SINI DEH biar jelas.
  • APA yang bikin BEDA antara LUX Magical Spell with Fine Fragrance dengan LUX variant lain?  KATANYA:  LUX Magical Spell ini, wanginya lah yang bikin beda.  Wanginya dipenetrasi dengan fine fragrance, dimana proses penemuan wewangian ini melibatkan perancang, dan formulator perfume kelas dunia.

Oke deh, gitu aja..  Sebelum gw ngawur  ke mana-mana. HAHAHAHA

Thank you,  LUX Indonesia for the lovely gathering.. ^^,



AQUA SHADOW by Make Up For Ever (quick review)

15:49 Endi Feng 0 Comments

You just gotta igniiite the liiight
And leeet it shiiine
Just ooown the niiight 
like the Fooourth of July
'Cause baby you're a fiiiiirework!
Come on show 'em whaaat you're wooorth!


(clear throat) EHEM!  Hai, makeup junkies.. It's July alreadeeeh!  Another semester passed by, which means, SUMMER IS HERE!  Woot! 
What's a SUMMER in your head?  Bikinis? [TSK! Boys!],  Sun Bathing? [yes! I'm preparing my tanning oil now!],  Lipstick bleeding? [vampire much?! It cry nightmare!],  Eyeshadow smudging/melting? [NOW you're talking about DISASTER! Unbelievable..],   BEACH? [do I hear: HELL YEAH?]..

Those all are classic Summer.  SO?  What's NEW?!

Here's  "What's NEW"!

AQUA SHADOW  by  Make Up For Ever
Make Up For Ever Indonesia has just launch the newest Jumbo Eyeshadow Pencil "AQUA SHADOW".  As an additional item in AQUA family, it gives smudge proof, water proof, and long-lasting formula. BUT!  Dany Sanz gave birth to her Aqua Shadow baby with another benefits:
  • STAYS in extreme conditions!  Before it's sold publicly, MUFE had took its test during Miami fashion week, which we know, Miami with its heat, and humid conditions.
  • RESIST SEA-WATER!  Great news for you beach goers, who still wanna look pretty without too much makeup, just a little touch of this pencil on the eyelids, glide on the apples of the cheeks to give a hint of shine, and to hi-light the cupid bows for beach photoshoot.
  • RESIST CHLORINATED WATER!  Dayuuum~  Swimming pool photoshoot anyone?
  • COMES within 5 MATTE SHADE [Brown, Black, Green, Navy Blue, Taupe Grey],  AND  7 PEARLY SHADE [White, Pink Beige, Taupe, Copper, Pink, Peach, Beige].  -  CLICK HERE TO SEE THE COLLECTION

By this post, I wanna give you a quick review.. Check this out!

Freshly applied [3-swipes back and forth]
SEE..?  Very high pigmented!  I got the number 24E. It's pearly pink, sheen pink colour.  And you can build the colour up as you like!   AND, it's very creamy..

Smudge/rubbing test
After a few second, I rubbed it hard..  And the colour still, INTENSE!  :-O   OK, hold you jaws, wait for it..

After once rinsing, and 1 ply of hand sanitizer
I try to test the waterproof, and it's CHECKED!  And I apply my hand sanitizer, and well, it faded out.  But still you can see the hint of the pearly pink, yes?  SUPER!

(at the end of the day)  about 5 hours after being rubbed hard, twice rinsing hand, numerous plies of hand sanitizer
If Syahrini (one of the famous Indonesian singer) own this Aqua Shadow, all that I could imagine is her: "SE-SU-A-TU!" which means: "SOMETHING!",  or in other word "AH-MAZE-ZING!".

How could this Aqua Shadow isn't amazing?  By the end of the day, I still get the shine on my hand. Well, not that obvious shine, but you can see it right?  The picture was taken using flash-light from my phone though.  BUT STILL kinda impressing.. (*o*)

Last words?  Advice?

It can be blend easily with finger or dome eye brush.  And it says on the leaflet: LET IT set to the lids for a moment before BLINK to avoid creasing, and why?  Because when the product has set on the eyes, it's hard to get rid of it (TRUE THAT!), unless you use waterproof makeup remover to wipe it off.

And, because it's a waterproof makeup, make sure you prep your eyes beforehand, so the product can adhere on the eyelid, and last longer than you thought it would be. An oily lid isn't Aqua Shadow and any other waterproof products' best friend. You can read my step-by-step 'HOW TO PREP YOUR EYES'  in HERE [click me!].




What's In Your Pouch?

17:07 Endi Feng 2 Comments

HOLA, makeup junkies!  

I knooow most of you are curious about what's inside someone's makeup pouch. Now, it's my time to reveal what's inside my makeup pouch. Let's go..

I got that transparent-net makeup pouch from Givenchy beauty event last May [you can read my report about the event, HERE!].  Love the pouch, because I can see through it, so it makes me easier to grab out the thing that I want.

Givenchy Gloss Balm no 5
Givenchy mirror, and bag holder
Another Givenchy stuff..
  1. Givenchy Gloss Balm no 5:  this lip gloss is FABULOUS!  Why?  It's non-sticky, glossy, yet keep your lips moisturized.  It isn't called as Gloss Balm for nothing!  And it smells so nice too. I put it on when I want my lips look healthy, and glowy on  photos. Kyaaa~ I'm busted.
  2. Givenchy Mirror, and  Bag Holder. Well, they're simply mirror, and bag holder. LOL  >_<

Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter : Creme Brulee
THE BODY SHOP Cocoa Butter Lip Care Stick
First of all, I don't wear lipstick.  The only time I wore lipstick outside of my room was at "La Vie Rouge Artist by Make Up Forever" event  [CLICK ME to read about the event].  So, whenever I feel sassy, and wanna put some colour on my lips, I go for my REVLON Colorburst Lip Butter in Creme Brulee.  The colour is sheer choco, a little bit sticky, and a great stuff to moisture my lips.
Recently, I added another lip care regiment into my pocket.  It's THE BODY SHOP Cocoa Butter Lip Care Stick. This lip care stick is my new favorite. For the last 8 months, I always using Vaseline Petroleum Jelly to take care of my lazy-to-scrub-and-dry lips.  TBS Cocoa Butter Lip Care Stick works its wonder when I was in a taxi(which sometimes are freezing cold inside, especially when the rain is pouring outside), when I am cashier-ing, everytime after I brush my teeth, and before I go to sleep.  Now you know how I take care of my lips on-the-go.  :-D

CHANEL Tinted Bronzing Gel in Bronze
Another favorite of mine.  Ever since I moved back to Jakarta, I lost my tan like when I was in Bali [ooh, I will be back in Bali for sure!].  So, my dear friend of mine, @mudina, gave me this amazing CHANEL Tinted Bronzing Gel in Bronze.  It's gel, the consistency isn't hard to blend on the skin, and give that glowing bronze complexion to the face, and neck. I can even apply it in hurry when I have no much time to do makeup, and still look good!

DERMAdoctor  'K.P. Duty' Moisturizing Therapy
So, basicly I use this DERMAdoctor 'K.P. duty' Moisturizing Therapy as my hand cream.  Or I apply it on my elbows when it feels dry.  On my heels also! It hydrates dry skin instantly.  Thanks to @moonlichan for gave me this.. *smooch*

VISINE eye drops
I live in a tropic country, and a very polluted city.  If my eyes irritated by the dust, wind, air, and the other stuff, I drop this VISINE Sterile Eye Drops immediately.

Comb, Tweezers, Nail Clipper
And don't forget another utilities, COMB, TWEEZERS, NAIL CLIPPER, PEN..  Well, we never know what will occurs to us even when we hang out at the mall.  Maybe chipped nails?(do I hear OUCH?),  Nagging nose hair?[EEEW! Tweeze it!],  Friend asking to tweeze her brows?(AMEN to da nicely arched brows),  Someone asking for our autograph? [LOL].

Well, that's it y'all..  Maybe gonna update whatever inside of my makeup pouch when I ran out of my lip care stuffs. 


EVIAN facial spray
This EVIAN Facial Spray is always on my bag wherever I go.  YAY  for hydrated facial skin!  Pinky promise to always moisturize, and hydrates your skin?  #OKESIP