Delicate Dynamic Duo

19:00     Endi Feng     2 Comments

Delicate Dynamic Duo

Hi, lovely readers.. Now I am back sharing beauty products that I've tried, and loving at the moment. I am talking about the ULTIMA II DELICATE CRÈME MAKE UP, and DELICATE TRANSLUCENT FACE POWDER. For the longest time, I've been loving glowing from within & radiant makeup looks. To achieve that kind of look, I load some highlighters on. But load...

Clear View with Eyezen by ESSILOR

16:32     Endi Feng     1 Comments

Clear View with Eyezen by ESSILOR

Hi lovely readers, Lama tak jumpa. Kali ini saya mau bahas tentang kacamata. Tepatnya lensa kacamata. Saya pertama kali memakai kacamata waktu duduk di kelas 5 SD. Mama saya selalu berpikir bahwa saya tidak perlu bantuan kacamata buat melihat jarak jauh, karena dikira saya ingin berkacamata karena ikut-ikutan teman dan kakak saya(ada yang begini juga?). Karena kasus denial itu,...

Kuku Sehat Dengan EMTRIX

19:49     Endi Feng     5 Comments

Kuku Sehat Dengan EMTRIX

Hi, lovely readers.. Belakangan ini, saya suka sekali nail extension, dan nail art menggunakan kutek gel. Rasanya, dengan nail extension gitu jemari saya terlihat lebih panjang, dan bersih(atau 'high maintainance' bahasa gaulnya).  :D By: @coconailxpress Untuk kuku dibikin cantik seperti ini, permukaan kuku asli saya dikikir agak kasar sedikit supaya kutek gel-nya lebih 'greget'. Dan tidak seperti kutek biasa, kutek...

Benefit Cosmetics On Luxola

18:42     Endi Feng     1 Comments

Benefit Cosmetics On Luxola

Hi, lovely readers.. I got a story for you about my favourite makeup brand, and online store. I've been a loyal customer of Luxola since the beginning. At first, they were only selling few brands of nail polishes, makeups, and basic body care products. BUT now, nail patches, bath & body, faux lashes, etc you name it. And...

Pout Post: MARC JACOBS LoveMarc "Roleplay"

Hi, lovely readers..

Another day, another pout post.

I want to spread my love for this particular shade of Marc Jacobs Beauty LoveMarc lip gel, Roleplay.
This is a very pretty pinky nude shade.

Marc Jacobs Beauty lovemarc lip gel in the colour "Roleplay"

The packaging is sleek, all black. Classy AF!
And the cap is magnetic as well. Whenever I close it, the satisfaction & assurance that the cap won't come off is real.

As for the texture, it is moisturising. Glides like butter on the lips. And this lipstick doesn't accentuate liplines. It makes the lips look so smooth. 
The longevity is mediocre for this lipcolour. But I won't mind reapplying this fancy lipstick on public. Teehee.

Marc Jacobs Beauty lovemarc lip gel in the colour "Roleplay"

The colour is sooo pretty. It's not too pink, that make you look sick.
It is perfect in between pale pink-nude colour. 
On the swatch photo above, I outlined the lips using Make Up For ever aqua lip pencil 14C. As this lipstick bullet doesn't have the sharp edge, lipliner is needed for crisp lip swatch. :))

Have you try out any Marc Jacobs LoveMarc lip gel?
What do you think for this one? Do you love the colour? I know I do..