ETUDE TIME 2 by Etude House Indonesia

Last Friday, I attend "ETUDE TIME 2" event.  This event was gathered by Etude House Indonesia in the spirit of launching DEAR MY TALK series, Precious Mineral BB Bright Fit, and SKIN MAL:GEUM..  And the theme of the event was:  "PINK BURLESQUE" (and my head is full of Xtina in the backstage of 'Burlesque' movie >_< )

The makeup collection

If you haven't, ask uncle Google.

For the last decade, Etude has known by many as a leading Korean makeup brand in Indonesia.  And Etude is famous for its sheer/shimmering powder products(eyeshadow/blusher/powder), and glowing face products(BB cream/hi-lighter).  
TO MAKE a break through, Etude CAME UP with more daring colors by introducing the market with DEAR MY TALK series which consist of lipstick, lip gloss, blushers, compact powder, and nail lacquer.  I'm given a set of DEAR MY TALK series, will give you my review soon!

Dear My Blooming Nails, Dear My Blooming-Lips Talk, Dear My Blooming Pact, Dear My Blooming Cheek
[behind] Dear My Milky Gloss
I'm not given any samples of that newest Precious Mineral BB Cream Bright Fit, so I can't give you any review.  BUT, there was a makeup demo at the event by Korean MUA, Miss Lee, and  let me show you the result of using the BB cream.

[right] the model after makeup demo by Miss Lee
I was bare face attending the event. Can you see the glow on my, AND the model's face? Quite similar, yes? [JUST SAY YES! LMAO]  The thing that was in my mind: "the BB cream is great for daily use, but I'll skip them because it gives glow that I always try to avoid caused of my oily-combination skin type. It'll just worsen my face on photos when my skin over produced oil on the T-zone." 

The Welcome Gift
OH! I was given a trial kit if SKIN MAL:GEUM too in the welcome gift, along with COLLAGEN MOISTFULL sample pack, DRESS ROOM body lotion, and MILK TALK Strawberry sample.  Will give my first impression on the other post. ^^,

BACK to the event.  When I got there, I was welcomed by the MC, and other IBB members.  After registered and got my welcome gift, I wandered around the venue(Atrium Mall Taman Anggrek) with @Hanny_Only.  Then, I met @PygmalionLAND. She got there barely had makeup on. So, I decided to follow her on 'make over' area, just to check out the product, and try it on Pygmalion lady's face.

The problem came afterwards. When I was trying the products that was on a very tempting pink makeup table on the makeover area, a man approached us, and said this with a little force/unpleasant tone: "Sorry, this stall is for our KOREAN MAKEUP ARTIST use ONLY, not testers. If you wanna try our products, you can go around venue, THERE."

WORST beauty event I've ever attended so far..
And there's supposed to be a press release to launch DEAR MY TALK series in Indonesia. GUESS WHAT?  It began LATE!  On the invitation it's on 13.30, but it began at 14.40-ish!  The only thing that makes me happy on the event:
  1.  I gotta meet my fellows beauty blogger
  2. The goodies
Me and @PygmalionLAND

I'm not disliking the brand or the makeup, I just disappointed by the staffs. Me and my fellows are there because we are makeup junkies. We love makeup so much! Not pieces of meat that you can treat as dolls in a rink. AND PLEASE, if you read this, the Event Organizer, be on time for the next event. As for the makeup stall which is specialized for THE Korean Makeup Artist use only, if it's so private you should have put a SIGN on it!

OK, that's it for now.. See you on the next post.
*kuss kuss*



  1. wah sabar di sabar *puk puk*
    sayang aku ga bs dtg Jumat kmrn tp terlepas dr itu, lumayan lah bs ketemu beauty blogger lainn :D

  2. stujuuu.. hiks.. untung mei da kelar lo makeup baru kita di tegor.. gmn kalo baru setengah alisnya.. LOL!

  3. kenapa ga suka sama staffnya end??
    saya juga make overdisana dibilang : wah dandan kamu BERANTAKAN banget!!
    oke let see apa yg dia bs lakukan dengan muka saya, astaga jadi lenong! da gitu MUA etude galak banget, sampe astagaaa ini eventt!!

  4. Rini: iya.. Ini sabar, ci. Kalo ga sabar, udah aku seruduk staff-nya maren. See you on the next event ya!

    Hanny: beneran deh.. Walopun si staff bete, soalnya ini public event(pameran gitu lah), dan udah capek(cranky), at least jangan arahin 'knalpot' cranky-nya ke gw.. Merusak laporan gw aja. LOL

    Cathy: aku gak suka, karena staff-nya nyolot pas 'ngusir' aku icip2 prodak dari pink makeup table yg 'katanya' KHUSUS untuk MUA Korea di area makeover itu, Cath. Kalo ngomongnya baik2, aku justru yg bakal minta maaf kali. I'm a makeup artist, I respect another's stuff! Aku sama Meilani jadi semacam anak kecil dijudesin langsung ciut dan melipir.
    As in your case, ternyata ga cuma staff Etude House yang arogan ya.. Makeup artist-nya pun. Jadi ngeri ah! Kita dandan sendiri aja yuuu.. :')

  5. iii mending makeup artistnya make over saya jadi cantik end... saya habis didandan dia ngaca , rasanya mau nangis! muka saya lenong banget!! ini saya abadikan di kamera dan mau saya bahas buat topik selanjutnya.
    kayaknya MUA di event kmrn cabutan kali ya bukan MUA proffesional.
    masa dia bilang makeup saya kacau, padahal makeup dia pas makeover saya jauh lebih kacau. sampe langsung saya hapus begituu selesai dia makeup. malu end, jalan jalan ke TA disangka Badut lewat :(

  6. Hai endi dan catherine, aku baca postingan ini emg kayanya ada yg "kurang mengenakan" dr acara tsb ya? tp saran aja nih sebaiknya jgn terlalu berkoar di blog mengenai kekecewaan kalian :)

    klo emg kalian kecewa sm pihak2 tsb sebaiknya blng lngsng ke orng tsb

    buktiin klo kita beauty blogger indonesia yg berpendidikan dan beradab :)

    kita harusnya bersyukur krn udh diundang sama beauty company :)


  7. staff yang di nail art juga judes banget :(

    kalo mau ikutan nail art kan musti masuk waiting list nah staff-nya dengan judesnya bilang "ini waiting list-nya udah 10 orang dan udah penuh" tapi yaa... dengan cara yang judes gitu :/ aku emang bukan VVIP atau media atau bloggers yang blognya oke, tapi as costumer ya jadi males juga -___-

    akhirnya aku sama temenku langsung ke store-nya yang di lantai 2

  8. Nisa: dear, Nisa. I just post whatever happened on the event, that's why it calls as a report. And I'm not a person who talk sweet about an unpleasant event, just so a beauty company can invite me more to their event.

    And me, as a makeup junkie, I'm so grateful to be invited.

    Excuse me? You pointed ME & Cathy as UNEDUCATED, and UNCIVILIZED people? WATCH YOUR MOUTH! You as a blogger too, should have think twice before POO some scum on my comment box.

    But thanks! Now I know what kind of person you are.. :)

  9. hahaha jadi inget peristiwa berdarah, diusir dari stall make up.

    btw, alis ku cucok lho setelah digambarin dirimu.

    @kattie : sempet dimake over ya, segera posting, penasaran.

    @hanny : hahahah newtrend, alis setengah boo

  10. Mels: :( So sorry to hear that..

  11. Hai endi, aku gak dtg ke event etude house yg kemarin. jd agak kaget soal staffnya yg pada jutek2 gt.
    kebetulan ada temen aku yg ngurus bagian VIP di event itu jd aku tadi menyampaikan uneg2 km ke tmn aku itu. dia blg sorry bgt karna staff etude housenya pd jutek. dia blg itu kemungkinan karna mreka jg cape handle byk org jadi dia minta maaf uda bikin kecewa para beauty blogger dan dia skali lg mohon maaf atas sikap2 yg kurang berkenan dr para staff etude housenya :)
    masukan kamu uda ditampung sm dia, dia blg smoga ke depannya event etude house bs lebi baik dr yg kemarin :)

  12. @endi pukk pukk pukkk.. tepokan lembut mami2 cantik.. buahaha..

    @via so nice of you uda bilang ke orangnya langsung coz i think for event that big, capek ya da jadi resiko..kalo ga mau cape ya dirumah aja..haha.. ga berarti boleh ganas ke costumer donk..kan kasian org mau seneng2 disana jd manyunn..

  13. @hanny
    hehe, iya kebetulan aja ada temen aku yg ngurus event itu, jd bs nyampein ke dia :)
    ya bnr bgt hanny, karna event itu byk yg dtg memang uda resiko mreka pasti cape dan harusnya para staffnya musti lebi sabar dan profesional :)

  14. #pats endi#

    Sabar ya ndii sabar ._____. Gw msh inget banget pas u coba makeupin gw ud kburu diusir walau seenganya at least let you finish with my eyes first lah ya #nangis

    Untung makeupnya gampang diapus klo ga moso iya mata ane belang sebelah T^T

    N'way, u pake filter apa buat first picture? Feels like burlesque x3

  15. Ternyata beauty event gag selalu perfect ya, Ndi, acaranya :). Aku blm pernah sih diundang ke beauty event, tp suka baca2 aja postingan temen2. Hampir semua nulisnya sih asik, keren, bla bla bla. Review produknya juga seragam deh, oke-oke semua. Sampai kadang aku heran, ini beauty blogger apa team marketing sih? :D

    Bagus banget deh, ada blogger semacam kamu, yang nulis dengan jujur pendapatnya. Jadi kami2 para reader bisa bener2 tau, mana company yg bagus dan mana yg enggak. & bagus juga buat perusahaan2 kosmetik untuk meningkatkan diri :D

    pokoknya cinta deh, sama blog kamuh :*.

  16. @nisa: maaf suhuuu saya thanks ya infonya
    Emang semustinya saya bersyukur ya bukan berkoar koar
    Secara ibb hrs tunjukin sikap santun bukan otot.
    Makasih nisa

  17. @endi feng; calmm dear...kita ibb hrs tunjukan sikap elegan. Emang sih mengenai etude ada yg ga enaknya, terlepasndati itu, beauty company invite kita untuk report acara mereka dan tdk mengharapkan kita kecewa, cm oknum staff n mua jutek saja yg membuat etude house ikutan tercemar ;) ayoo semangatt

  18. Yoo yoo setujuu... Stand nail art nya pun bikin nailnya acak adul...ancur abis...alhasil krn ga sreg gue langsung deh hapus tuh nail art di tempat...>.<"!

  19. Via: Hai, Via.. Makasih lho udah disampaikan uneg-uneg ku ini. Kemarin dari pihak Etude juga udah telpon aku mengenai hal ini. Mereka minta maaf atas semua kejadian tidak mengenakkan pas event berlangsung.

    Bagi teman-teman yg juga mengalami hal serupa, please, jangan kecewa. *keep smiling*

    Hanny: HAHAHA mami-mami cantik.. >_< *cakar*

    Vheii: JANGAN mengingatkan aku lagi.. hahaha Aku dandanin di lain hari ya. Or, visit me? :D

    Sekararum: Hei.. Kalo kamu kenal aku lebih jauh, atau follow twitter aku, pasti deh, udah ngerti aku orangnya gimana.. Kalo suka ngomong, kalo gak suka ngomong. Bukannya ntar jelek2in di belakang. Apalagi nyangkut nama brand besar.
    Etapi, gossipin org dari belakang tetep lanjut doong.. ;P
    Dan, kemaren pihak Etude ada hubungin aku via telpon. Dia bilang 'no problem' dengan post aku ini. They took it as an input for them, so they can prepare a better event/staff team next time. :)

    Thanks for your support, Sekar..

    Kattie: well, I just post whatever happened, dear. If you want sugar-coated event reports, you might check out your so-called "suhu". I'm out of IBB group already. :)

  20. Dear Emily, mungkin kamu datang di saat yg tidak tepat? Waktu nail-artist lagi buru makan siang mungkin? LOL whatever it is, I take it as another unfortunate moment of us.

    Aku post ini postingan bukan untuk menjelek-jelekkan nama Etude House, and not intended pun. It's a report only.
    So, please, be noted..
