Make Up Forever HD set

14:28 Endi Feng 7 Comments

So, on 20th of March I got my prize from Fashionese Daily, as I won the FOTD contest last February. YAY!

The MUFE HD set consists of translucent powder, cream blush(#8), foundation(#125), concealer (#335), elixir for instant radiance & hydration, AND make up base(#2).  LOVE THEM ALL!


  1. Instant Radiance & Hydration elixir, love it already since the first time I dab it on my skin. Leave the skin dewy, and smooth. 2 drops, that all I need.
  2. The makeup base is magical! However, it's scented(which some of you might not like it that way).
  3. The foundation, it's light weight, and cover up imperfections smoothly(but you still can see the flaws like blemishes, and that's how a foundation should be).
  4. Concealer, I use it to cover up my under eyes which are puffy, reddish, even black-ish.. Small amount of it, is what needed. Blend it in with brush or finger, both are just fine by me.
  5. Cream Blush does its job perfectly to give me a flush blush! A very small amount of it, would do your whole cheeks! Be careful of it. I blend it with my fingers.
  6. HD translucent powder. The one that I've been dreaming of since 2010! HAHA yes, I got it.  But just be careful of it. It can cause whitecasts. Use it to set the liquid, cream product on your face. 




  1. awee congrats on winning~^^

  2. congratz !! :D emg pantes menang kak ..

  3. Bahagia lihat senyum sumringahnya Endi plus ngiri se iri-irinya krn dapet MUFe gratis :')

  4. Nooooo
    Mufe again!!!
    Again you got it!
    Totally envy huhuuu
    What do u think about mufe hd powder?
    Is it great?have u tried it?

  5. Astri: HAHAHA Jangan iri.. Sini sini aku makeup-in deh.. hehe

    Kattie: the powder is good, not bad, but not a GREAT weapon for face either. So so lah.. Because it's silica powder, as you can see at my pic above, it whitecast here n there. But not much though..
